

What to Expect

Each student at CoderDojo is different and works at their own pace. Software development and creative fields cover such a broad range of topics - ranging from animal sprites all the way to the digital logic of zeroes and ones. The mastery guide below is just that - a guide.

Each programming concept below is designed to take a day, but it might not take you all day. Everyone moves at their own pace, so do you! We'll be there to support you along the way. To start learning Scratch, check out the Raspberry Pi Foundation's own tutorial projects, called sushi cards.

When you complete a project for mastery, talk to a mentor, who will take a look at your project and make sure it passes the requirements for that level. Then present your project to level up!

Scratch Curriculum - Mastery

Level 1


Making Decisions: If-Then-Else

Arrays and Lists

Level 2

Loops and Repeating Things



Level 3

Events, Broadcast/Receive

User Input: Text

User Input: Buttons and Multiple Choice

Grand Mastery

A five minute presentation

Using one concept from each Scratch mastery level

In combination with layouts and sprites to tell a story

Web Development - Mastery

Make Your Own Website

If you're excited about web development, you'll be happy to know that CoderDojo Denver's Web Development mastery series is a project you'll use and remix over and over again. Visit the curriculum page for options to learn HTML/CSS. We recommend Codecademy. Alternatively, you can visit the Raspberry Pi Foundation's HTML and CSS guides.

Steps to Mastery

  1. Create an account at, which is the same place where CoderDojoPGH's website is hosted.
  2. Take a look at GitHub Pages. Step through the instructions on the page and create the foundation for your website. If you need help setting this up, raise your hand.
  3. Create an account at Codeanywhere. This will set you up with a text editor and IDE so you can push your code to your website's GitHub repository!

After your project fulfills the requirements below, talk to a mentor, sign up to present your website, and earn your mastery badge!

Create these user interface (UI) elements.

A styled navigation menu

A table

Use these tags appropriately.

html, head, title, body

h1, p, img, a, ul/ol, table

Use CSS attributes, alignment, and variables appropriately.

background, margin, padding, font-size, font-weight, border

display: flex to align items

At least one CSS variable